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bud.copyFile copies a file to the @dist directory.


All paths are relative to @src. This can be changed with the context parameter.

Copying a file

Copy @src/images/image.jpeg to @dist/images/image.jpeg:


Modifying the output path

Copy @src/images/image.jpeg to @dist/example/image.jpeg.

bud.copyFile([`images/image.jpeg`, `example/image.jpeg`])

Hashing copied files

The standard way would be to replace the filename with @file:

bud.copyFile([`images/image.jpeg`, `images/@file`])

Changing context

You can pass a second parameter to specify base directory of the task (the context):

Copy vendor/images/image.jpeg to @dist/images/image.jpeg:

bud.copyFile(`images/image.jpeg`, `vendor`)

Copy vendor/images/image.jpeg to @dist/example/image.jpeg

bud.copyFile([`images/image.jpeg`, `example/image.jpeg`], `vendor`)

Copying from node_modules/@roots/bud/ to @dist/

await bud.module.getDirectory(`@roots/bud`)

Changing options

Any of the underlying options can be dialed in with an optional third parameter.

Copy from @src/fonts to @dist/vendor/fonts and include dotfiles:

bud.copyFile(`fonts/killa.otf`, `@src`, {
globOptions: {dot: true},