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No need to copy imported assets

If you are already including assets by importing them in a script or stylesheet, you do not need to copy them explicitly.

For example, given this stylesheet, copying @src/fonts/MyFont.woff2 would be unnecessary:

@font-face {
font-family: 'MyFont';
src: url(@src/fonts/MyFont.woff2) format('woff2');

The bud.assets function is used to copy files to the output directory.

The simplest way to use it is to pass an array of directories (relative to your project @src directory):

import type {Bud} from '@roots/bud'

export default async (bud: Bud) => {
bud.assets(['images', 'fonts'])

If you want more control over the directory being output to, you can use an array of from/to pairs:

import type {Bud} from '@roots/bud'

export default async (bud: Bud) => {
['images', 'assets/images'], // from `@src/images` to `@dist/assets/images`
['fonts', 'assets/fonts'], // from `@src/fonts` to `@dist/assets/fonts`

For complete control, you can pass an object:

import type {Bud} from '@roots/bud'

export default async (bud: Bud) => {
import type {Bud} from '@roots/bud'

export default async bud => {
from: bud.path(`@src`, 'images'),
to: bud.path(`@dist`, 'images', `@name`), // `@name` is the filename (including hash if applicable)
context: bud.path(`@src`),
noErrorOnMissing: true,
toType: `template`,

You can learn more about this and other details in the bud.assets documentation.