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Handling the blade @asset directive

You can add blade template files to entrypoints as if they were javascript modules.

export default async bud => {
app: ['@scripts/app', '@styles/app'],
editor: ['@scripts/editor', '@styles/editor'],
index: ['@views/index'],

Any modules referenced with the @asset directive will be included in the compilation.

If you wanted to include all blade templates, you could do so with bud.glob.

export default async bud => {
app: [
...(await bud.glob(`@views/**/*.blade.php`)),
editor: ['@scripts/editor', '@styles/editor'],

Adding scripts and styles to blade templates​

You may include client scripts and styles directly in blade templates using directives. This is different than other community packages because the code is extracted and ran through the compiler This means you can write postcss, sass, typescript, etc.


<img src=@asset('images/404.png?as=webp') />
<img src=@asset('images/404.png?as=webp&width=200') />
<div id="target-el"></div>

import {render} from '@scripts/render'

<h1>Hello, world!</h1>,

@import 'tailwindcss/base';
@import 'tailwindcss/components';
@import 'tailwindcss/utilities';

body {
@apply bg-blue-500;

Current supported extensions: js, ts, css, scss, vue.

Note that in order to use ts, scss or vue you will need to have installed a bud extension that supports that language or framework.

Disable processing of blade templates​

If you are not using this feature and wish to disable it, you can do so:

export default async (bud: Bud) => {