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TailwindCSS support can be added by installing the @roots/bud-tailwindcss extension.


npm install @roots/bud-tailwindcss --save-dev


By default the bud.js tailwind implementation requires no configuration.

If you wish to customize the tailwind configuration you can create a tailwind config file.

bud.js allows for you to write your tailwind config in CommonJS, ESM, TypeScript, JSON or YML. This file should be placed in the root of your project or the project ./config directory.

Configuring tailwind with bud.tailwind​

You can configure tailwind directly in your bud configuration file using bud.tailwind.setConfig.

content: [bud.path(`@src/**/*.{ts,php}`)],
theme: {},
plugins: [],

bud.tailwind.setConfig is just one method available to help you configure tailwindcss.

Set content​

You can set the tailwindcss content option with bud.tailwind.setContent.


Set theme​

You can set the tailwindcss theme option with bud.tailwind.setTheme.

colors: {primary: `#000000`},

Extend theme​

You can extend the tailwindcss theme option with bud.tailwind.extendTheme.

colors: {primary: `#000000`},

This is usually preferred over bud.tailwind.setTheme as it will merge your theme with the default tailwindcss theme.

Set plugins​

You can set the tailwindcss plugins option with bud.tailwind.setPlugins.

import forms from '@tailwindcss/forms'

export default async bud => {

Using tailwind values in build config files​

You can use resolved tailwind values in your bud config files by referencing bud.tailwind.theme:

export default async bud => {
console.log(`colors`, bud.tailwind.theme.colors)

You can also use bud.tailwind.getTheme, which allows you to pass a key to get a specific value:

export default async bud => {
console.log(`colors`, bud.tailwind.getTheme(`colors`))

Using tailwind values in JS source​

bud.js can be configured to allow for you to import tailwind theme values using the (virtual) @tailwind/* alias.

An example:

import {black} from '@tailwind/colors'
import {sans} from '@tailwind/fontFamily'

export const main = () => { = black = sans

Generating the imports can be memory intensive and increase build times, so it is opt-in.


Better to generate imports only for specific keys:

bud.tailwind.generateImports([`colors`, `fontFamily`])

This is a much better than trying to import the actual tailwind config file to read these values for two reasons:

  1. the values are fully resolved (merged with preset tailwindcss theme values, plugins applied, etc.)
  2. there is less impact on the overall bundle size

If you don't import from @tailwind/* nothing is added to the bundle (even if the imports are generated)