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pnpm compatibility


pnpm compatibility is a work-in-progress.

We are working towards seamless compatibility with package managers utilizing alternative module resolution strategies like pnpm and yarn pnp. For now you will need to take a few extra steps.


If you are using pnpm you will need to add --public-hoist-pattern=* to the instalation command.

pnpm install --public-hoist-pattern=*

bud.js largely relies on module hoisting. This is not the default behavior for pnpm.

.pnpmfile.cjs compatibilty shim

In addition to using the public-hoist-pattern flag, you will want to add the following .pnpmfile.cjs to your project root. If you have already ran an installation you will need to clear your lockfiles and node_modules in order for the shim to take effect.

All bud.js modules come with batteries included but allow for overriding built-in dependencies with custom versions. However, this approach is in conflict with pnpm, which does not install peerDependencies marked as optional. The provided pnpm install hook removes peerDependencies from @roots/* packages unless they are listed specifically in the project package.json. This rectifies the issue.

const {dependencies, devDependencies} = require(`./package.json`)

* bud.js pnpm compatibility shim
* pnpm allows customizing the package installation process through special functions called hooks.
* These hooks can be defined in a .pnpmfile.cjs file, which should be located in the same directory
* as the lockfile. For example, in a monorepo with a shared lockfile, the .pnpmfile.cjs file should
* be placed in the root of the monorepo.
* @see {@link} for more information on pnpmfile
module.exports = {
hooks: {
* This hook removes peerDependencies from @roots/* packages because
* pnpm does not install peerDependencies marked as optional by default.
* This behavior differs from npm and yarn, which install peerDependencies
* even if they are marked as optional.
readPackage(data) {
// Skip processing if the package is not a @roots/* package
if (!`@roots`)) return data

// Skip processing if the package does not have peerDependencies
if (!data.peerDependencies) return data

// Filter out peerDependencies that are already listed as dependencies or devDependencies
const peerDependencies = Object.entries(data.peerDependencies)
([signifier]) =>
Object.keys(dependencies || {}).includes(signifier) ||
Object.keys(devDependencies || {}).includes(signifier),
(peerDependencies, [signifier, version]) => ({
[signifier]: version,

// Return the package data with the filtered peerDependencies
// and an empty peerDependenciesMeta object
return Object.assign(data, {
peerDependenciesMeta: {},